Exploding A Myth: Preston Chiropractor Discusses How You Can Teach An Old Dog New Tricks

Exploding A Myth: Preston Chiropractor Discusses How You Can Teach An Old Dog New Tricks

Research shows that adult brains are much more flexibly than was previously recognised. But how to learn like a child again? Well mimic the way children learn. In a nutshell: Slow it down, vary what you practise a lot, physically exercise, take tests, copy, focus on the outcome (don’t conceptualise the way to do it) […]

Have I Got An Allergy? Preston Chiropractor Discusses Typical Symptoms Of Allergies And Intolerances

Have I Got An Allergy? Preston Chiropractor Discusses Typical Symptoms Of Allergies And Intolerances

Do You Suffer From Dripping At The Back Of The Nose, Bloating, Weight Fluctuations? These can be some of the signs that you may be suffering from an allergy. Chronic allergies can cause a systemic inflammation which makes joint and muscle pain feel a lot worse. It’s also one of the common causes we see […]