Correct Posture at the Computer

Correct Posture at the Computer

More and more working people are spending their working day in front of a computer screen. Correct posture when you are spending a lot of time in front of a computer is extremely important especially when you consider that for those with back pain and related conditions absence from work takes up an average of […]

Is Your Posture Causing Your Back & Neck Pain? Book A FREE Taster Sessions With Preston Alexander Teacher Richard Marsden

Is Your Posture Causing Your Back & Neck Pain? Book A FREE Taster Sessions With Preston Alexander Teacher Richard Marsden

You know slouching and bending badly can cause aches and pains. But how can you make good posture a healthy habit? Find out with a ‘FREE ½ hr taster session’ at Back-in-Action in Penwortham, with our ‘posture’ expert, Alexander Technique Teacher Richard Marsden. Available  Tuesday the 16th of July. Richard is in 10.00am till 2pm. […]