Lessons From The 3 Little Piggies?

Lessons From The 3 Little Piggies?

If you’re starting a new routine at the gym, it takes time for your body tissues to adapt, before you can move on to a more challenging routine. Similarly the steps you choose with your care at Back-in-Action, will determine the kind of improvement you make. It might seem obvious but you’ll need to build […]

What Determines Your Course Of Treatment?

What Determines Your Course Of Treatment?

Helping you get well again and finding how to help you stay well is a journey. Whether you are suffering from back pain, neck pain or headaches or wanting to improve your performance, chiropractors are like mountain guides, familiarising you with a new territory and helping you to successfully manage your transition towards better health. […]

How Do Your Organs Effect Your Muscles?

How Do Your Organs Effect Your Muscles?

When we try and help to fix the underlying causes of your aches and pains or other symptoms, we often find imbalances in your muscle strength. These weakness patterns seem to contribute to patterns of tension in the joints and muscles or areas of instability and injury, which both can contribute to your feeling of […]

Why Does It Hurt You Somewhere Else?

Why Does It Hurt You Somewhere Else?

Sometimes where you feel your back or neck hurting is not where the problem is. Referred pain occurs when pain sensors from structures deep in your body such your joints, ligaments, muscles or internal organs meet branches of the pain sensors from your skin in the spinal cord or your brain. If one of these […]

What Is Pain?

What Is Pain?

You know pain is an unpleasant sensory experience and the emotional reaction to it. Pain can involve actual or potential damage to your tissues but can occur independently – that is spontaneously. The pain sensors signal when you are injured but aren’t in themselves sufficient to cause you pain. Like a malfunctioning burglar alarm, you […]

Sport Rehabilitators

Sport Rehabilitators

Sport Rehabilitators help anyone suffering from pain, injury or illness involving the musculoskeletal system. They help people of all ages to maintain their health and fitness, recover from and prevent injury and reduce pain using exercise, movement and manual based therapeutic interventions. What to expect from your treatment session An initial consultation will offer an […]

No Hands® Massage Preston

No Hands® Massage Preston

Just when you thought a massage couldn’t get any better…! No Hands massage goes deeper – that’s why it’s the treatment of choice for many professional massage therapists. Experience it for yourself call Back-in-Action on 01772 749245 to make an appointment with Judy.   What Clients Say… “Fantastic experience! The most relaxing massage I have […]

Evidence Shows Massage Therapy May Be As-Or More Effective Than Standard Medical Treatment Fof Non-Specific Back Pain

Evidence Shows Massage Therapy May Be As-Or More Effective Than Standard Medical Treatment Fof Non-Specific Back Pain

Massage therapy has been shown to clinically reduce pain. A recent study showed that massage worked as well as paracetamol or non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) combined with physical therapy for the commonest form of back pain. Patients were randomly assigned into one of three groups: Physical therapy with medication, Swedish massage or Deep Tissue massage. All had pain […]

Preston Massage Therapist Sandra Brookfield On Runner's Knee Pain (Lateral)

Preston Massage Therapist Sandra Brookfield On Runner’s Knee Pain (Lateral)

Have you got pain on the outside of your knee? Then you might have Ilitiotibial Band Syndrome (ITB). It is one of the leading causes of lateral knee pain in runners. It is a superficial thickening of tissue on the outside of the thigh, extending from the outside of the pelvis, over the hip and knee […]

Preston Massage Therapist Sandra Brookfield Helps Elite Marathon Runner Achieve Personal Best

Preston Massage Therapist Sandra Brookfield Helps Elite Marathon Runner Achieve Personal Best

Congratulations Rob on an excellent achievement! Rob writes: “I am an elite marathon runner & finished 72nd in the 2013 London marathon with a personal best time of 2 hours and 33 minutes. This would not have been possible without regular sports massage, which I have received from Sandra Brookfield for the last 12 months. I […]