What Might Your Chiropractic Care Involve?

What Might Your Chiropractic Care Involve?

Your body is naturally self-healing. When you feel sore and your body is not working properly it’s being damaged quicker than it can repair. Reducing your physical, chemical and neurological stress helps restore communication between your body and brain and allows your body to heal itself again. To give your body the best chance of […]

What Is Pain?

What Is Pain?

You know pain is an unpleasant sensory experience and the emotional reaction to it. Pain can involve actual or potential damage to your tissues but can occur independently – that is spontaneously. The pain sensors signal when you are injured but aren’t in themselves sufficient to cause you pain. Like a malfunctioning burglar alarm, you […]

Want Some Help With Back and Neck Pain From A Preston Chiropractor?

Want Some Help With Back and Neck Pain From A Preston Chiropractor?

There’s so much advice out there about getting out of back and neck aches and pains and staying out of pain. Why do so many people like the approach of the chiropractors at Back-in-Action? We see helping you get well again and finding how to help you stay well is a journey. You choose the […]

Chiropractor In Preston Suggests Places To Learn Meditation In The Preston Area

Chiropractor In Preston Suggests Places To Learn Meditation In The Preston Area

Many more people are becoming aware of the potential benefits of meditation in their lives. We frequently recommend meditation to our clients as Back-in-Action as part of their chiropractic care to help their nervous system and assist their recovery. Of course it’s useful for people to know: Where Can They Learn To Meditate In Preston?   […]

How You Choose To Respond Affects Your Success Writes Preston Chiropractor

How You Choose To Respond Affects Your Success Writes Preston Chiropractor

Heart vs Head? Whether You Empathise Or Take Another’s View Alters The Outcome Research that has implications for everyday negotiation skills, suggests in on-going relationships with conflicting goals, perspective taking – trying to see the other side of the argument worked well, but those empathising – feeling another’s pain –  are likely to suffer for […]

Chiropractor In Preston Extending Premises

Chiropractor In Preston Extending Premises

Extending The Scope And Flexibility Of Our Service At Back-in-Action We’re aiming to start building an extension down the side of the clinic, commencing in the Spring and hoping to be finished before August. This should give an extra 3 downstairs treatment rooms and an extended reception area. The aim is to provide a greater […]

Want To Try “Hemp HeartsTM”(Shelled Hemp Seed)? Free Samples While Stocks Last At Back-in-Action Chiropractic Clinic Preston

Want To Try “Hemp HeartsTM”(Shelled Hemp Seed)? Free Samples While Stocks Last At Back-in-Action Chiropractic Clinic Preston

Hemp Hearts are a great source of easily absorbable proteins, including the 8 essential amino acids, as well essential fatty acids and are apparently very rich in vitamins and minerals. They are often advertised as a great for energy and a brilliant source of protein for vegetarians and those on raw diets. We’ve been kindly sent […]

Get Healthy Fast? Chiropractor In Preston Reviews What Science Is Starting To Reveal About The Benefits Of Cutting Your Calories

Get Healthy Fast? Chiropractor In Preston Reviews What Science Is Starting To Reveal About The Benefits Of Cutting Your Calories

Scientific research in fasting is starting to suggest that it might help with cancer, reduce the risk of developing diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma, Parkinson’s and dementia. Lab studies have shown in animal experiments that reducing calories can delay the onset of age related diseases. Whilst long term calorie restriction has potential health […]

Keep Calm And Carry On! Preston Chiropractor Discusses Ways To Help Keep Your Head ....

Keep Calm And Carry On! Preston Chiropractor Discusses Ways To Help Keep Your Head ….

Helping Improve Your Emotional Wellbeing The gateway to the emotional system in the deeper part of the brain is the Amygdala. It is the watch dog – or area for surveillance and vigilance. It is very active when you are anxious or fearful.   It is part of the “so what” pathway in the brain that helps you […]

Take A Chance To Help Find Happiness – Preston Chiropractor Writes About The Pleasure Paradox

Take A Chance To Help Find Happiness – Preston Chiropractor Writes About The Pleasure Paradox

Constantly making sense of the world helps us repeat good things and avoid bad. Understanding reduces uncertainty and helps us cope in unhappy situations but reduces the pleasurable. Increase your happiness levels by doing the unexpected; thinking about ways something good in your life may have never happened; when you reward yourself don’t instantly gratify […]