What Is Pain?

What Is Pain?

You know pain is an unpleasant sensory experience and the emotional reaction to it. Pain can involve actual or potential damage to your tissues but can occur independently – that is spontaneously. The pain sensors signal when you are injured but aren’t in themselves sufficient to cause you pain. Like a malfunctioning burglar alarm, you […]

Why AM I In Pain?

Why AM I In Pain?

When your joints are tight, they stop talking to your brain. Your brain then doesn’t know where they are and has to guess how to move your body correctly. That’s when accidents happen, when you start to feel stiff and sore, when joints start to wear. Chiropractors help to restore the movements in your joints […]

Exploding A Myth: Preston Chiropractor Discusses How You Can Teach An Old Dog New Tricks

Exploding A Myth: Preston Chiropractor Discusses How You Can Teach An Old Dog New Tricks

Research shows that adult brains are much more flexibly than was previously recognised. But how to learn like a child again? Well mimic the way children learn. In a nutshell: Slow it down, vary what you practise a lot, physically exercise, take tests, copy, focus on the outcome (don’t conceptualise the way to do it) […]

Keep Calm And Carry On! Preston Chiropractor Discusses Ways To Help Keep Your Head ....

Keep Calm And Carry On! Preston Chiropractor Discusses Ways To Help Keep Your Head ….

Helping Improve Your Emotional Wellbeing The gateway to the emotional system in the deeper part of the brain is the Amygdala. It is the watch dog – or area for surveillance and vigilance. It is very active when you are anxious or fearful.   It is part of the “so what” pathway in the brain that helps you […]

Is It All In Our Heads? Preston Chiropractor Discusses How The Brain Works And Affects You.

Is It All In Our Heads? Preston Chiropractor Discusses How The Brain Works And Affects You.

Louis has recently given a talk about the brain, its structure and how it helps create our perception and attention, and what it tells us about ourselves. A brief report of the talk is available from reception or by e-mail at reception@back-in-action.com. It discusses what illusions and brain research tell us about how we come […]

Food For Thought: Preston Chiropractor Discusses Risky Diets For Brain Degeneration

Food For Thought: Preston Chiropractor Discusses Risky Diets For Brain Degeneration

In a study of healthy people, half ate a high fat, high sugar diet and half ate a low saturated fat and sugar diet. After four weeks, those on the unhealthy diet had higher insulin levels and significantly higher beta amyloid levels (linked with Alzheimer’s) and the healthy group reduced both. Eating less sugar and unhealthy […]