Correct Posture at the Computer

Correct Posture at the Computer

More and more working people are spending their working day in front of a computer screen. Correct posture when you are spending a lot of time in front of a computer is extremely important especially when you consider that for those with back pain and related conditions absence from work takes up an average of […]

Stroll Lightly Through Life - Try The Alexander Technique With A FREE 30 Minute Taster Session Tuesday 21st March 10-6pm

Stroll Lightly Through Life – Try The Alexander Technique With A FREE 30 Minute Taster Session Tuesday 21st March 10-6pm

Regain control of your body, alleviate pain and improve performance. Whatever your age, ability or state of health, the Alexander Technique can help you get stronger and have more stamina, become more relaxed, think more clearly and recover from injury more quickly. To read more please follow the link.   From the Preston Chiropractor Team […]

Is Your Posture Causing Your Back & Neck Pain? Book A FREE Taster Sessions With Preston Alexander Teacher Richard Marsden

Is Your Posture Causing Your Back & Neck Pain? Book A FREE Taster Sessions With Preston Alexander Teacher Richard Marsden

You know slouching and bending badly can cause aches and pains. But how can you make good posture a healthy habit? Find out with a ‘FREE ½ hr taster session’ at Back-in-Action in Penwortham, with our ‘posture’ expert, Alexander Technique Teacher Richard Marsden. Available  Tuesday the 16th of July. Richard is in 10.00am till 2pm. […]