Sport Rehabilitators

Sport Rehabilitators

Sport Rehabilitators help anyone suffering from pain, injury or illness involving the musculoskeletal system. They help people of all ages to maintain their health and fitness, recover from and prevent injury and reduce pain using exercise, movement and manual based therapeutic interventions. What to expect from your treatment session An initial consultation will offer an […]

Correct Posture at the Computer

Correct Posture at the Computer

More and more working people are spending their working day in front of a computer screen. Correct posture when you are spending a lot of time in front of a computer is extremely important especially when you consider that for those with back pain and related conditions absence from work takes up an average of […]

Preston Chiropractor Discusses Research - Lancashire's Parents Suffer Impact Of Back And Neck Pain

Preston Chiropractor Discusses Research – Lancashire’s Parents Suffer Impact Of Back And Neck Pain

New research from the British Chiropractic Association finds parents’ back and neck pain in the North West is impacting on childcare. This April 15th – 21st, Chiropractic Awareness Week, Back-in-Action  Chiropractic Clinic in Preston, is encouraging parents to straighten out their approach to back care as new consumer research shows that 82%* of people in […]

Mind Your Posture - Video Advice On Posture From Preston Chiropractor

Mind Your Posture – Video Advice On Posture From Preston Chiropractor

Your posture is important. Having and maintaining a good posture is something we emphasise as chiropractors at Back-in-Action in Preston, as a major step in preventing back and neck pain. Leading such busy lifestyles, we often find that the basic warning signs of back and neck problems can go unnoticed. Here are some links to […]