What Determines Your Course Of Treatment?

Helping you get well again and finding how to help you stay well is a journey. Whether you are suffering from back pain, neck pain or headaches or wanting to improve your performance, chiropractors are like mountain guides, familiarising you with a new territory and helping you to successfully manage your transition towards better health. Helping you recover and getting you fit again usually takes a bit of detective work. If you want to get well and stay well, you’ll find it works better if you tackle both the onion layers and the immediate causes of your pain and dysfunction.

Depending on what’s aggravating your symptoms between your treatments and what’s going on at the ‘onion layer’ we find when we check you, will determine what’s the best treatment for you on that visit and what you could be doing to help yourself. So even though your pain is in one area, the cause may be somewhere else. That’s why sometimes we may be giving you some treatment in a place that doesn’t hurt or doesn’t seem related to your problem. If we just concentrate on the painful area and neglect the areas that are damaging it, how quickly will you get better?

So this journey to find the source of your symptoms often becomes like trying to find the source of a river. Through our assessment and treatment we can gradually help you to move further upstream – along the chain of cause and affects, to try and get closer to the deeper underlying cause of your problem. In practise the course of your treatment depends on how well you want to become – out of pain short term, preventing future problems or functioning at your best. It also depends on how many of those layers of accumulated stuff that you’ve acquired we need to help you work through, to get you to your desired destination.

So do you know how far you want to go? Where do you want to get to? We’re here to help you whatever you decide. If your circumstances allow, we offer you an invaluable opportunity to help you discover a more balanced lifestyle, one that gives you more chance of feeling fulfilled, resilient, active and comfortable. Sometimes he road to recovery might appear quite long. In fact there are many different roads to recovery, each tailored for your need and your body’s natural healing response – which takes 10-12 months and longer to fully work through. Your Preston Chiropractor and Preston Massage team at Back-in-Action can help find the right approach for you. How long you want to stay on the road with us is up to you. If you’ve been fair with us we’ll be more than happy to help you again, even if you choose to discontinue your care for a while.

From the Preston Chiropractor Team
Getting You Back in Action & Enjoying Your Life Again
Serving the people of Preston and surrounding areas including Southport and Lytham St Annes