Save Money On Treatment. Feel Better. Relax. Get Professional Advice. Learn To Help Yourself. Win. Enjoy. Raise Money For Charity.
Thanks To Everyone Attending The Open Day On Saturday October the 5th. We Hope You Enjoyed It As Much As Us!
Nearly 90 people visited during the day and many people benefited from the free sessions, attended talks and enjoyed the hospitality.
We had many kind donations: Cakes from the Craft Bakery and Harty foods were much enjoyed as was Aromatic Cookerys fantastic chick pea dish. Prizes were kindly donated by Jewellers George Banks, Jethwa’s, Aphrodite, Serendipity, Little Birdie Told Me Sew, and Booths.
Over £200 was raised for Galloways and we also handed them the prizes not won on the day that were donated by the local businesses for Galloways to use in future raffles.
From the Preston Chiropractor Team
Getting You Back in Action & Enjoying Your Life Again
Serving the people of Preston and surrounding areas including Southport and Lytham St Annes