Toggle Recoil

Treatment of Back Pain, Neck Pain and Joint TensionToggle recoil is a chiropractic technique popular with patients who prefer or need a more gentle approach. The practitioner places their hands lightly on the area of joint restriction and then perform an extremely fast, though very light thrust, quickly removing their hands from the contact point.

Hammering in a nail is a good analogy for how this technique works. It would be very difficult if you tried to push a nail in with your hand, but it’s easy with a gentle tap from a hammer.

Most chiropractic techniques are characterised by the high speed of thrust, required to help reset the sensors between the joints and surrounding muscles and restore movement. The aim with chiropractic treatment is to try and restore normal neurological function.

The difference between most chiropractic techniques is the amplitude and degree of force applied, which are chosen depending on the area of the body, age, fitness, fragility and pain sensitivity of the individual.

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