How Do Your Organs Effect Your Muscles?

How Do Your Organs Effect Your Muscles?

When we try and help to fix the underlying causes of your aches and pains or other symptoms, we often find imbalances in your muscle strength. These weakness patterns seem to contribute to patterns of tension in the joints and muscles or areas of instability and injury, which both can contribute to your feeling of […]

Pillows for Sound Sleep

Pillows for Sound Sleep

Today’s modern living, which often entails hours of driving and hunching over work stations, plays havoc with your neck. Neck pain can be felt in a large number of ways, either in your neck itself, across the shoulders, down the arms or as a headache. Neck and back problems are often worsened, if not caused, […]

The Foam Rolling Revolution Discussed By Preston Sport Rehabilitator Rebecca Waller

The Foam Rolling Revolution Discussed By Preston Sport Rehabilitator Rebecca Waller

Foam rolling as a health and fitness practice has exploded alongside the growing fitness industry. It is a technique that has long been used by professional athletes, coaches, and therapists but is now recommended to people of all ages and fitness levels. Foam rolling is a form of self-myofascial release, which means self-massage, used to […]

Slipped Disc? Rest Assured, It Hasn’t Slipped Out Of Place! Writes Preston Chiropractor

Slipped Disc? Rest Assured, It Hasn’t Slipped Out Of Place! Writes Preston Chiropractor

You may have heard the term ‘slipped disc’ but this is a rather inaccurate term, as discs cannot actually slip out of place. Discs are securely attached to the vertebrae. So, while it is possible for them to wear, split or herniate, they can’t slip! Local Chiropractor says, “Although they’re not incredibly common, a disc […]

Insight Into Rugby Injuries From Preston Chiropractor

Insight Into Rugby Injuries From Preston Chiropractor

The 5 Nations Rugby has focused the world’s attention on a sport where injury is the norm. Some teams in these international competitions play games that are just days apart and, because of the intensity of the action, injuries become part and parcel. Studies at the University of Bath have shown that for every 1000 hours of international rugby […]

Preston Chiropractor Suggests Learn To Breathe To Reduce Stress

Preston Chiropractor Suggests Learn To Breathe To Reduce Stress

Our modern ways of living mean that our every lifestyle puts us in an almost constant state of excitement, whether we have something to be genuinely thrilled about or not! This can cause emotional problems including irritability, anger, and depression along with physical symptoms like headaches and stomach aches. Luckily, simply learning to breathe using […]

A Bit Of Activity Whenever You Can Might Reduce Your Risk Of Type II Diabetes Writes Chiropractor In Preston

A Bit Of Activity Whenever You Can Might Reduce Your Risk Of Type II Diabetes Writes Chiropractor In Preston

Research suggests that sitting down for just one hour could increase your risk of type 2 diabetes by a fifth. If you spend most of your day working in an office, try having an active lunch break. Do an exercise class or go for a long walk. From the Preston Chiropractor Team Getting You Back […]

Preston Chiropractor On How Are Migraines Different From Headaches, And How Should You Treat Them?

Preston Chiropractor On How Are Migraines Different From Headaches, And How Should You Treat Them?

Most people experience headaches sporadically through their lives and are not too adversely affected by them. However, there is a severe type of headache called a migraine that can keep returning and be incredibly debilitating. It is estimated by the NHS that around one in every five women and around one in every 15 men […]

New Sport Rehabilitator And Deep Tissue Therapist At Preston Chiropractic Clinic

New Sport Rehabilitator And Deep Tissue Therapist At Preston Chiropractic Clinic

We are delighted that Becky Waller BSc (Hons) Sports Rehabilitation has recently joined our team at Back-in-Action. Becky’s a great asset to our team. She’s very approachable and has an excellent range of skills for treatment and prevention of injuries occurring in daily life and those related to sports.   As a Special Introductory Offer […]