Lessons From The 3 Little Piggies?

Lessons From The 3 Little Piggies?

If you’re starting a new routine at the gym, it takes time for your body tissues to adapt, before you can move on to a more challenging routine. Similarly the steps you choose with your care at Back-in-Action, will determine the kind of improvement you make. It might seem obvious but you’ll need to build […]

What Determines Your Course Of Treatment?

What Determines Your Course Of Treatment?

Helping you get well again and finding how to help you stay well is a journey. Whether you are suffering from back pain, neck pain or headaches or wanting to improve your performance, chiropractors are like mountain guides, familiarising you with a new territory and helping you to successfully manage your transition towards better health. […]

What Onion Layers Might You Have?

What Onion Layers Might You Have?

When we get to check you out, we’ll find you have a few problems that are contributing to the back aches and pains or other symptoms you’re experiencing that look like they’d need sorting out, to help you get better. As we correct these, you could either be really amazed with your improvement or somewhat […]

How Do Your Organs Effect Your Muscles?

How Do Your Organs Effect Your Muscles?

When we try and help to fix the underlying causes of your aches and pains or other symptoms, we often find imbalances in your muscle strength. These weakness patterns seem to contribute to patterns of tension in the joints and muscles or areas of instability and injury, which both can contribute to your feeling of […]

What Might Your Chiropractic Care Involve?

What Might Your Chiropractic Care Involve?

Your body is naturally self-healing. When you feel sore and your body is not working properly it’s being damaged quicker than it can repair. Reducing your physical, chemical and neurological stress helps restore communication between your body and brain and allows your body to heal itself again. To give your body the best chance of […]

Why Does It Hurt You Somewhere Else?

Why Does It Hurt You Somewhere Else?

Sometimes where you feel your back or neck hurting is not where the problem is. Referred pain occurs when pain sensors from structures deep in your body such your joints, ligaments, muscles or internal organs meet branches of the pain sensors from your skin in the spinal cord or your brain. If one of these […]

Want Some Help With Back and Neck Pain From A Preston Chiropractor?

Want Some Help With Back and Neck Pain From A Preston Chiropractor?

There’s so much advice out there about getting out of back and neck aches and pains and staying out of pain. Why do so many people like the approach of the chiropractors at Back-in-Action? We see helping you get well again and finding how to help you stay well is a journey. You choose the […]

Eating to Beat Stress

Eating to Beat Stress

Chronic stress can have a negative effect on our physical health as well as our mental wellbeing. It can play a role in our susceptibility to illness and disease, but also in day-to-day functional problems such as pain and stiffness. There are of course many steps we can take to improve our ability to cope […]

Why AM I In Pain?

Why AM I In Pain?

When your joints are tight, they stop talking to your brain. Your brain then doesn’t know where they are and has to guess how to move your body correctly. That’s when accidents happen, when you start to feel stiff and sore, when joints start to wear. Chiropractors help to restore the movements in your joints […]

Correct Posture at the Computer

Correct Posture at the Computer

More and more working people are spending their working day in front of a computer screen. Correct posture when you are spending a lot of time in front of a computer is extremely important especially when you consider that for those with back pain and related conditions absence from work takes up an average of […]