Stroll Lightly Through Life - Try The Alexander Technique With A FREE 30 Minute Taster Session Tuesday 21st March 10-6pm

Stroll Lightly Through Life – Try The Alexander Technique With A FREE 30 Minute Taster Session Tuesday 21st March 10-6pm

Regain control of your body, alleviate pain and improve performance. Whatever your age, ability or state of health, the Alexander Technique can help you get stronger and have more stamina, become more relaxed, think more clearly and recover from injury more quickly. To read more please follow the link.   From the Preston Chiropractor Team […]

New Member Of Our Chiropractor Team Joining Us On Tuesday and Thursday afternoons 2-7pm From Tuesday the 21st of March

New Member Of Our Chiropractor Team Joining Us On Tuesday and Thursday afternoons 2-7pm From Tuesday the 21st of March

We are delighted to welcome Kamar who has moved to a team that shares the quality of care, ethics and style of treatment he values. Kamar uses his range of skills and experience of helping people with chronic pain and those active in building their physical fitness to improve the quality of life for all his patients and […]

Learning To Gently Let Go

Learning To Gently Let Go

Your brain is biased to pay attention to the negative – this is a normal, how your healthy, active fear centre in your brain helps you survive. Its job is to send signals of anxiety whenever it perceives threat. Brain research confirms that there is also an observing aspect of your mind which notices your […]